Make 2019 Your B*tch

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So it’s 2019, new year, new me… right? We’ve just completed our first month of 2019, and how do you feel? Satisfied? Ambitious? Happy? If the answer is no, you’re not alone. We often start the year off with such high hopes and goals, but then we often let them slip away, like it’s nothing. If you’re sitting here thinking “nah I’m good, there’s nothing I gotta change..” I hate to break it to ya hunny, but theres always something you can do to improve yourself. 

When 2018 came to a close, I thought to myself what do I really want to achieve in the new year? 2018 had a few ups and downs, and going into 2019 I knew I wanted to make this year my bitch. One of the first things I had been aiming towards was improving my social platform, which then led me to the idea of blogging. It’s something that has always interested me, but it was something I knew nothing about and quite frankly, it was intimidating. After months of doing some research and redesigning my website, I finally felt confident enough to jump in and start blogging. So thanks for reading and welcome to my first blog post!

The second major thing I wanted to achieve was moving out of my parents house. Nailed that one and luckily got to move in with my best friend of 21 years - all within the first week of 2019. Living on my own has been so exciting thus far. I’m sure once I get my first electricity bill, I may think otherwise - but I’m trying to stay positive ;) Some nights my dinner consists of a glass of wine and a pickle. Why? Because I can. And I’m loving it.

Third major goal of 2019 was to just enjoy where I am with life now and not stress so much about the future. Now, I’m not saying to be lazy and not do a damn thing to help your future, but I mean take a deep breath and stop stressing about who you’re gonna marry or where you’re going to be in 5 years. Time will tell, there is a plan, and everything is going to be okay. Work hard, take breaks and try not to psych yourself out. It’s important to realize  that the things that matter so immensely to you today, might not matter later on. Keep that in mind and try not to stress over the insignificant things. 

It isn’t always easy to stay focused and motivated, especially during the winter months. If you’re from Canada like me, you know far too well how crappy winter can be. However, when you focus on the good, the good gets better. Over time I’ve learnt a few things that have been super helpful in making my days better and improving my overall life. 

1. You will never find the time, you must always “make” time.

2. Stop complaining - appreciate how lucky you are every day.

3. Say goodbye to the people who don’t bring positive energy into your life. Get rid of anything and anyone who is toxic.

4. Exercise. 

5. Stop comparing yourself to others - no one is you & that is your power.

6. No more dwelling on the past.

7. Stop talking & listen. Instead of thinking of your next response just be attentive.

8. Embrace who you are as an individual. Don’t be embarrassed about things that make you feel happy.

9. Your happiness shouldn’t depend on another person.

10. Travel - experiences are far more valuable than money will ever be.

Before you get too consumed with jumping ahead in 2019, my biggest piece of advice would be to take a second and reflect on where you are now and where you were last year. Think about the things that used to consume your mind and no longer stress you out: that unhealthy relationship, the stress of the future, the things that you never thought you’d accomplish but guess what? YOU DID. Just remember you’ve got this and you’re already far more capable than you ever could have imagined.

Cheers to 2019.